International Journal of Civil Engineering, Construction and Estate Management (IJCECEM)

EA Journals

Affordable Housing Solutions


Affordable housing has emerged as a critical issue worldwide, particularly in urban areas experiencing rapid population growth, economic disparity, and high living costs. This research paper examines the various solutions to address the growing demand for affordable housing, focusing on strategies that balance economic feasibility, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. The study reviews existing literature on affordable housing, explores diverse methodologies to enhance housing affordability, and analyzes case studies from different regions to identify best practices. It discusses innovative financing models, public-private partnerships, land use policies, and sustainable building practices as key components of comprehensive affordable housing solutions. The paper aims to provide actionable recommendations for policymakers, developers, and stakeholders to implement effective strategies for affordable housing.

Keywords: Housing, Urban Areas, affordable, population growth, solutions

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Impact Factor: 8.01
Print ISSN: 2055-6578
Online ISSN: 2055-6586

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