Analyse d’une structure en béton arme de cinq niveau pouvant servir comme appartement dans la ville de Goma (Published)
Le présent article a été élaboré dans le but de déterminer les éléments de structures d’une structure en béton armé R+4 pouvant servir comme appartement, les dimensions de ces éléments conformément avec la sécurité imposée et les règlements en vigueur, les caractéristiques du béton à utiliser, les aciers à employer et surtout comment allier ces deux éléments. Ensuite, elle devra entre autres durer dans le temps et résister aux éventuelles intempéries (vent, poussée des terres, …). Notre étude se propose l’objectif de faire une bonne étude de dimensionnement d’une structure en béton armé de cinq niveaux pouvant servir comme appartement dans la ville de Goma. Nous avons utilisé la méthode BTP qui nous a permis d’effectuer les calculs suivant les règles, les domaines d’application de réaliser la conception dans la structure tout en suivant les normes requises pour cet effet et la méthode analytique qui nous a permis d’analyser systématiquement les données ainsi que les informations récoltées afin d’en tirer de conclusion des recommandations. Cette méthode analytique nous a permis de déterminer les dimensions des éléments constituant notre structure.
Après calcul, nous avons obtenu les résultats suivants :
TOITURE TARRASSE Epaisseur de la dalle h=15cm ; suivant la petite portée : 6HA8 ; suivant la grande portée : 7HA8
DALLE A CORPS CREUX : Epaisseur de la dalle h=0,20m
HOURDIS : h=0,16m
DALLE DE COMPRESSION : Epaisseur de la dalle de compression h=0,4m avec les armatures : 3HA8/ml
POUTREILLE : H=0,40m ; b=0,20m ; Armature : 2HA10
POTEAU : Section 20cmX40cm
LONGRINE : b=0,20m ; h=0,20m ; Armature principale : HA8 ; Armature de répartition : HA6
SEMELLE : A=0,5m ; B=1m ; Armature principale : 3HA12 ; Armature de répartition : 5HA12
Ayant respecté le coefficient minimum de sécurité, nous nous rassurons que cet immeuble de cinq niveau résisterait aux catastrophe naturelles bien qu’il soit construit dans une région volcanique
Keywords: Structure, analyse, appartement, cinq niveaux, dimensionnement
Experimental Investigation on the Bearing Capacity of Selected Soils in Ayedaade Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria (Published)
As a result of the importance of foundation in engineering construction, it is important to investigate the bearing capacity of construction soils, this study therefore investigated the bearing capacity of soils in Ayedaade Local Government Area, southwest Nigeria. To achieve the aim of this study, soil samples were collected from selected 20 construction sites in the study area. Using standard procedures, preliminary and geotechnical tests such as natural moisture content, particle size analysis, specific gravity, Atterberg limits, compaction and triaxial tests were conducted on the soil samples. Subsequently, Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equations were employed, alongside already determined shear strength parameters, to estimate the bearing capacity of different footing geometry (circular, square and strip footing). Results showed that majority of the soil samples are well-graded and could also be classified as A-2-4. Results of triaxial tests also showed that the soils are all c-ϕ soils. For each of the soil samples, square footing had the highest bearing capacity while strip footing had the lowest. It was also concluded that the tested soils are all excellent to good foundation materials.
Citation: Adunoye G.O., Kareem S.P., Odetola H.M. (2023) Experimental Investigation on the Bearing Capacity of Selected Soils in Ayedaade Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Construction and Estate Management, Vol.11, No.1, pp.45-57
Keywords: Bearing capacity, Building, Construction, Structure, foundation
Incessant Collapse of Buildings in Nigeria: The Implications for Religious/ Worship Centres (Published)
Building collapse is more common and devastating in developing world. In Nigeria, the trend is on the increase and religious houses/buildings are not left out. Buildings can be described as structural entities capable of securing self by transmitting load (dead load and live load) to the ground. A church building or religious buildings however are sacred places where believers interface with God. Paradoxically, church/religious buildings and pilgrimage sites are also now becoming places where people lose their lives as a result of accident and structural collapse. A building collapse occurs when part or whole body of a structure fails and suddenly gives way, the structure as a result of this failure, could not meet the purpose for which it was meant for. Assembly buildings (Religious buildings) account for 12.7% of building collapse in Nigeria. Most church building collapse are not often reported or recorded, except where the casualties is much and cannot be hidden from the government agencies. The Synagogue Church Building and Reigners Bible Church building collapse are recent incidents in Nigeria. The aim of this paper is to review the causes of building collapse and suggest ways of prevention as it concerns religious buildings.
Keywords: Building, Collapse, Religion., Structure, foundation