International Journal of Cancer, Clinical Inventions and Experimental Oncology (IJCCEO)

EA Journals


Impact of Midwife-Led Educational Intervention on Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Teachers in Selected Secondary Schools in Ibadan (Published)

This study assessed the impact of midwife-led educational intervention on the uptake of cervical cancer screening among female teachers in selected secondary schools in Ibadan.Quasi- experimental research design was adopted to collect data from 109 female teachers in selected secondary schools in Ibadan through purposive sampling. Self-structured questionnaire was used to collect the data and both inferential and descriptive analysis were done The average age of respondents 25-34 years with mean score of 37.61 ± 10.33. Majority 68(57.60%) had one lifetime sexual partner. Findings show that educational intervention has positive impact by increasing the knowledge of respondents on cervical cancer screening (pre-intervention mean score) (M = 2.42 ± 1.66) and post- intervention knowledge (M = 8.75 ± 3.82). Mid-wife led educational intervention improved female teachers’ knowledge towards uptake of cervical cancer screening practices

Keywords: Screening, Teacher, Uptake, cervical cancer

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