International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

Knowledge Management and Competitive Advantage in Selected Manufacturing Firms in Akwa Ibom State


This paper was designed to examine the relationship between Knowledge management and Organizational competitiveness. The main objective of this study was to examine the relationship between knowledge management and competitive advantage in selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. In line with the research objective was the research questions and hypothesis. Survey research design was adopted for the study and a sample size of 105 respondents were drawn from the population using census sampling technique. The major instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire administered to the respondent using stratified sampling techniques. The major instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire administered to the respondent using stratified sampling techniques. Data collected were analysed using simple percentage and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Results showed a significant positive relationship between each of the two dimensions of knowledge management (organizational learning, = Rx1 =0.799 amd Knowledge retention = Rx2 =0. 825**,) and organizational competitiveness at the selected manufacturing firms in Akwa Ibom State. It was recommended that, firm managers and knowledge management implementation members should incorporate organizational learning, knowledge retension, as part of Knowledge Management infrastructure capabilities in addition to culture, structure, and information technology in order to make their Knowledge Management infrastructure capabilities more robust.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge retention, Organizational Competitiveness., Organizational Learning

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