International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

street food patronage behavior

Applying The Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour to Predict Street Food Patronage Behaviour: A Literature Review (Published)

This paper aims to develop an integrative conceptual framework for predicting street food patronage behaviour in a typical emerging economy setting. Extant literatures reveal that the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is the most widely used theory to explain patronage behavior in food marketing literature but few studies have extended the theory to accommodate other variables and investigate the nexus among these variables especially on Street Food Patronage (SFP) from an emerging economy like Nigeria. Also, the existing frameworks and models developed in advanced economies may not be suitable for developing street food patronage behavior in Nigeria because of its peculiarities. The major importance of this study is to make available a comprehensive and robust framework for prospective researchers in this area, which will guide and direct their studies. The framework is premised on five key constructs- attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and past behavior. More so, the proposed SFP conceptual framework is capable of providing insight for developing food marketing-related policies.

Keywords: Theory of Planned Behavior, actual patronage., attitude, past behavior, patronage intention, perceived behavioural control, street food patronage behavior, subjective norms

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