Academic Human Capital and Organizational Resilience: The case of Tirana (Published)
The purpose of this study is to explore the role and the skills that the academic human capital has on organizational resilience in a cohort of one hundred academic staff at the University of Tirana. This study employs a transversal research design utilizing non-random sampling nested within random sampling to investigate the staff’s experiences and interactions of the target population. A questionnaire in was applied to a hundred study sample of academic staff contracted professors in three different branches in Albania during April 2024-May 2024. The results revealed that the organizational resilience factors of the academic staff were organizational support, positive values and social competences, and building a positive work culture. The overall organizational behavior was influenced by the positive attitudes of the staff, while the organizational support for the employees did not seem to have any significant impact on the staff s attitude.
Keywords: : Human Capital, Academic Staff, Organizational Resilience, Organizational support, positive attitudes
Octapace and Organizational Resilience: A Correlational Study (Published)
We are living in an ever-changing world whereby our frequently unstable environment necessitates the need for individuals, groups, organizations, and even societies to become resilient. In terms of organizations, the literature is overwhelming in its agreement that for organizations to survive the turbulent times, it must develop organizational resilience (see Doe, 1994; Horne, 1997; Warner & Pyle, 1997) because it has become a critical requirement for survival (see Lengnick-Hall, C.A., & Beck, T.E., 2009; Sullivan-Taylor & Wilson, 2009; Sullivan-Taylor & Wilson, 2010). Kantur and Iseri-Say (2012) asserted that organizational resilience is founded on the following four: perceptual stance, contextual integrity, strategic capacity, and strategic acting. Kantur and Iseri-Say’s four was equated with the OCTAPACE (Openness, Confrontation, Trust, Authenticity, Proaction, Autonomy, Collaboration, Experimentation) in the organizational culture literature before hypotheses were developed and tested. It was found that a strong positive correlation exists for five (confrontation, authenticity, proaction, autonomy, and experimentation) whereas the other three had moderate correlations (openness, trust, and collaboration). The implications of the findings as well as recommendations based on the results will also be discussed.
Keywords: Contextual Integrity, Octapace, Organizational Resilience, Perceptual Stance, Strategic Capacity, and Strategic Acting