The main purpose of this study is to ascertain the existence of a relationship between inflation and economic growth in Nigeria. The methodology employed in this study is the quantitative research design. Consumer price index (CPI) was used as a proxy for inflation and the GDP as proxy for economic growth, to examine the relationship. The scope of the study spanned from 2000 to 2009. Ordinary least square method and t-test was used to test the variables most likely to impact on economic growth in Nigeria due to inflation. The findings also shows that there is strong relationship between inflation and economic growth in Nigeria, that exchange rate has positive impact on economic growth and that high interest rate discourages investment and hence forestalls economic growth. It is therefore, recommended that the monetary policies aimed at exchange rate be strengthened through effective supervision and regulatory framework of financial system by the monetary framework of financial system by the monetary authorities. Continuous monetary policies that will achieve the desired macroeconomic stability, increase in private sector credits and there is also need fro more effective management of interest rate in Nigeria
Keywords: Economic Stability., Exchange Rate, Inflation Rate, Monetary Authorities, economic growth