International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

employees’ participation

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between High Performance Work Practices and Work Engagement: Moderated by the Demographic Variables (Published)

The main thrust of this research is to investigate the relationship between HPWS and work engagement among the working middle managers in the selected four Egyptian banks. For testing the proposed model and the developed major and sub-hypotheses, this research is based on the collected data from a proportional stratified random sample of 385 working middle managers in the four selected banks. The obtained results from analyzing the collected data through using SPSS indicated the following: (a) there is strong, positive and significant relationship between HPWS practices and work engagement, (b) all the selected HR practices are positively and high significantly related to work engagement, (c) employees’ perceptions for “employees participation practice” and “performance- based compensation practice” are more strongly and significantly related to work engagement than their perceptions for “employment security practice” and “employees training and development practice”, (d) gender and age (as demographic moderating variables) have a significant influence on the relationship between HPWS practices and work engagement, (e) the selected four HR practices operating jointly and explain 46% of work engagement variations.

Keywords: HPWS practices, employees’ participation, employees’ training and development, employment security, performance- based compensation, work engagement

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