International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

Employee Commitment

An Investigation of Employee Voice and Employee Commitment in Oil Producing Firms in Rivers State (Published)

This study was conducted to examine the influence of employee voice on employee commitment in Oil Producing firms in Rivers State. The study was based on a survey research design and made use of questionnaire in obtaining data from office resident employees serving in   five Oil Producing firms in Rivers State of Nigeria. The population of study was 20,116 while its   sample size determined through Taro Yamane sample size determination formular was 1793.  The analysis of data was done with descriptive and inferential statistics. The former used percentage method while the latter used simple regression. The test of hypotheses in the study indicated that employee voice had a positive and significant influence on employee commitment in Oil Producing firms in Rivers State. The generalized model summary showed an R2 of 0.431. The model also showed a goodness of fit at 95 percent (p-value <0.05). It was concluded that employee voice was a good predictor of employee commitment in Oil Producing firms particularly those of Rivers State of Nigeria. In line with the outcome of this study, it was recommended that Oil Producing firms in Rivers State should recognize the expressed position of its employees and incorporate their suggestions into operations as an effective strategy to influencing employee commitment.

Keywords: Employee Commitment, Employee Voice, Rivers State of Nigeria, oil producing firms

Workplace Spirituality as a Precursor to Employees’ Commitment to Work in Manufacturing Firms in South-South, Nigeria (Published)

The study addresses workplace spirituality as a precursor to employees’ commitment to work in selected manufacturing firms in South-South, Nigeria with specific focus on the following dimensions of workplace spirituality; meaningful work, value orientation and interconnectedness. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design. The population of the study comprises 4838 employees from 24 selected firms in south south, Nigeria. The sample size for the study consists of 370 employees drawn from the population of the study using Taro Yamane formula. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The validity of the instrument was done using construct validity and for the reliability, cronbach alpha and composite reliability were used. In analyzing the data for the hypotheses, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was adopted with the aid of Smart-PLSv3. The study revealed that meaningful work, value orientation and interconnectedness have significant effect on employees’ commitment to work in manufacturing firms in South-South, Nigeria. The study recommended that emphasis should be placed on meaningful work, value orientation and interconnectedness for an improve employees’ commitment for a better organizational productivity.


Keywords: Employee Commitment, interconnectedness, meaningful work, value orientation, workplace spirituality

Motivational Factors As Determinants of Employee Commitment and Performance Enhancement in Profit Oriented Firms: A Survey of Selected Brewery Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria (Published)

The objective of the study is to investigate the Impact of Motivational Factors such as extrinsic, intrinsic rewards and social motivational on employee commitment and performance enhancement in profit oriented firms with a focus on selected Brewery Manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Data for this research is obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The sample size for the study is 280 from six (6) Brewery firms. Multiple Regression test was used in testing the two (2) formulated hypotheses. The study findings revealed that motivational factors such as Intrinsic, extrinsic and social motivation have a good relationship with employee commitment and performance enhancement in profit oriented firms especially Brewery manufacturing companies. Other findings were that lack of motivational incentives will lead to employee frustration in these companies. The study recommended that adequate and consistent provision of intrinsic, extrinsic and social motivational incentive packages to staff to facilitate employee commitment and high performance attainment is important at all times. The study also recommended that, establishing organizational objectives and goals by companies is a good starting point by management to know the essential motivational incentives that should be granted to employees for productivity attainment.

Keywords: Employee Commitment, Motivational Factors, Performance Enhancement, Profit-Oriented Firms.

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