International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR)

EA Journals

career motivation

Examining the Factors Affecting the Job Motivation of Employees in the Higher Education System in Afghanistan (Published)

Human resources of any organization are important assets of the organization, and they are significant. The reason for the importance of human resources is that other resources of the organization such as capital and physical assets cannot create efficiency and productivity without human resources. The need for motivated employees who can optimally use the organization’s facilities and other assets is considered an undeniable fact of every organization. For this reason, motivating employees is one of the most important concerns in organizations. To achieve this, knowing the effective factors in creating job motivation is one of the necessities. This research was conducted to investigate the effective factors of employee motivation based on Herzberg’s theory. These factors include maintenance factors and motivating factors. Based on the nature and research method, this research is a descriptive survey applied in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the research is the administrative employees of the higher education section in Afghanistan. The data collection tool in this research is a standard questionnaire “Herzberg’s 40-item job motivation questionnaire” and the data are collected and analyzed using different methods of data analysis. The results of the research indicate that job motivation has the highest correlation with job security, policy, and working environment.  supervision, and communication among the motivating factors, the highest correlation is respectively with career success, recognition, appreciation, nature of work, career advancement, and job responsibility.


Keywords: Employees, Herzberg's theory, career motivation, motivating factors, preservative agents

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