The Role of Stock Exchange in Economic Development and Capital Formation In Nigeria (Review Completed - Accepted)
This paper examines the functions and the expected role of the Nigerian Stock Exchange in economic development and capital formation in Nigeria. It adopted a survey method of analysis to show the relationship between the operations of the stock exchange and the level of capital formation in economic development in Nigeria. The objective of the study is to find out if the stock Exchange plays a significant role in capital formation and overall economic development of the various sectors of the economy. It is deserved that while the stock exchange in developed economies are vibrant agents of development, the contributions of stock exchange in developing countries are described as being a little above border line. Conclusions were reached among other things that though the stock exchange plays a very important role in the economic development of a nation, the extent to which an exchange will be able to play this role depends on the state of the economy. The paper thus recommends an expansion in the stock exchange role in the capital formation process.
Keywords: Capital Formation, Economic Development, Nigerian Stock Exchange, Stock exchange market, economic growth