International Journal of Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology Studies (IJBBBS)

EA Journals

Commercial Varieties

Adaptability and genotype by environment interaction of maize commercial hybrid varieties from East African seed companies in Rwandan environments (Published)

Maize (Zea mays L.) has known an unprecedented development for the past six years in Rwanda.  The major factor behind this great achievement was the Crop Intensification Program (CIP).  However maize hybrid varieties had little impact on maize production increase because they were not available. Therefore, this study was undertaken to assess the adaptability of maize commercial varieties from East African seed companies in Rwanda and to identify those to be used to increase maize production.  Fourteen commercial hybrids, four hybrid cultivars released in Rwanda and five Open Pollinated Varieties (OPVs) were evaluated in four sites of mi-altitudes (18 entries) and four sites of highlands (10 entries). Results showed that RHM104, PAN53, PAN67, WH507, WH505, WH403 and RHM101 in mid-altitudes and H629, SC719, SC637, PAN691 and WH504 in highlands were high yielding and stable across environments. They were recommended to be used in Rwanda.


Keywords: AMMI, Commercial Varieties, Grain Yield, Highlands, Mid-Altitudes, Rwanda

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