International Journal of African Society, Cultures and Traditions (IJASCT)

EA Journals

Role of Language in Promoting Social Cohesion and Peace: Insights and Examples


This article examines the role of language in fostering social cohesion and peace. The article emphasises the role of language as a tool for peacebuilding, drawing on insights from 15 peer-reviewed theoretical and empirical articles on language, peace and social cohesion. The document analysis conducted on the 15 articles in question reveals two major directions of language power in peace-building and conflict management. On the one hand, it has been demonstrated that language has the capacity to intensify conflict and erode social cohesion, resulting in discord and confrontation even in contexts that are otherwise peaceful. Conversely, it has been demonstrated that language is conducive to peace and social cohesion. The capacity for social cohesion within a society hinges on the existence of a shared set of meanings that enable members to comprehend the world. This is made possible by language. The impact of language on social cohesion and peace depends on how it is used. By developing speech that is tactful, respectful, inclusive and empathetic, the speaker demonstrates sensitivity to the interlocutor’s feelings and emotions, which can help to ease tensions and foster an environment of mutual respect and cooperation. Additionally, through active listening, positive decoding, honest interaction and politeness, the worth and dignity of the interlocutor is recognised, which can contribute to a strong sense of unity and belonging.

Keywords: Conflict, Language, Peace, cohesion

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Impact Factor: 7.77
Print ISSN: 2056-5771
Online ISSN: 2056-578X

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