International Journal of African Society, Cultures and Traditions (IJASCT)

EA Journals

Wole Soyinka’s Myth, Literature and the African World


Since its first publication in 1976, Myth, Literature and the African world has posited a profound contribution, not only to contemporary African literary dialogue, but also to world dramatic theories. As a captivating example of cultural retrieval, in particular to traditional Africa and the intrinsic expression of its setting, it unveils what is, or is not the true incentive for great tragedies. This is a substantial and meticulous attempt to stress the significant place of African mysteries and potentials on the world stage. Wole Soyinka’s fascination with his Yoruba background and its impressionistic local materials is at the heart of this book. The review will explore the content, its overriding themes and the author’s creative concern.

Keywords: African world, Theatre, Yoruba identity, tragic consciousness

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Impact Factor: 7.77
Print ISSN: 2056-5771
Online ISSN: 2056-578X

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