International Journal of African Society, Cultures and Traditions (IJASCT)

EA Journals


Jukun-Tiv Relations in the Benue Valley Region: The 2019 Scuffles in Southern Taraba State, Nigeria (Published)

Conflict, in general, is an inevitable part of relationship within and between groups and societies. It is intrinsic and thus natural to human and is expressed in diverse forms, differences in opinion, views and sentiments etc. When conflict occurs, interests are always at stake. The values attached to these interests mostly define the nature and character of such conflict. The most disturbing is the violence that often leaves in its wake several loss of lives, destruction of valuable property and a general sense of insecurity. The 2019 Jukun-Tiv conflict in Wukari assumed such a character with the attendant consequences of violent conflict, fast becoming the “normal” reality of our time. This is not only dangerous and unacceptable, but has formed the basis on which this research work is dedicated to resolving. Through a multi-disciplinary approach, the research attempt an analysis of the nature and character of the 2019 Jukun-Tiv conflict within a broader context of relationship in the Benue Valley Region of Nigeria. At the end, practicable and justifiable processes and ways that would guarantee positive and viable relationship between the Jukun and Tiv are suggested.

Keywords: Colonial, Conflict, Economic, Political, Politics, Relationship, Social, policies, pre-colonial

Jukun-Tiv Relations in the Benue Valley Region: The 2019 Scuffles in Southern Taraba State, Nigeria (Published)

Conflict, in general, is an inevitable part of relationship within and between groups and societies. It is intrinsic and thus natural to human and is expressed in diverse forms, differences in opinion, views and sentiments etc. When conflict occurs, interests are always at stake. The values attached to these interests mostly define the nature and character of such conflict. The most disturbing is the violence that often leaves in its wake several loss of lives, destruction of valuable property and a general sense of insecurity. The 2019 Jukun-Tiv conflict in Wukari assumed such a character with the attendant consequences of violent conflict, fast becoming the “normal” reality of our time. This is not only dangerous and unacceptable, but has formed the basis on which this research work is dedicated to resolving. Through a multi-disciplinary approach, the research attempt an analysis of the nature and character of the 2019 Jukun-Tiv conflict within a broader context of relationship in the Benue Valley Region of Nigeria. At the end, practicable and justifiable processes and ways that would guarantee positive and viable relationship between the Jukun and Tiv are suggested.


Keywords: Colonial, Conflict, Economic, Political, Politics, Relationship, Social, policies, pre-colonial

Socio, Economic and Political Significance of Rap Culture on African Americans (Published)

Rap music is a derivative of the oral form of literature, which is man’s original medium of self-expression and artistic creativity. Rap music is a highly prolific component of a popular culture which has served as a means of expressing the plight of the black man in a predominantly prejudiced white society. Rap music came as a result of the elongated measure of exposure to slavery, segregation and prejudice. In order to air their mind, different forms of literature were employed, one of which is Rap music which has been identified as (Rhythm and Blues). This work takes a look into the socio, economic and political significances of Rap culture on African-Americans and how it enhances their lives.

Keywords: Culture, Economic, Political, Rap, Slavery

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