International Journal of African Society, Cultures and Traditions (IJASCT)

EA Journals

natural occurrence context

The Natural Occurrence Contexts in Which Social Morals are Presented in the Dejen District Society from the Perspective of Folk Belief, in The Northern Part of Ethiopia (Published)

Various experts in the field point out that social morals found in African society have not been studied in depth and widely. As a result, it is difficult to say with certainty that the current and past conditions of the social morals are like this. For example, Ushe (2011); Aden and Olira (2017); Amoah and Peprah (2022) state that, African traditional morals are poorly studied and misunderstood. When come to Ethiopia, the situation is not different from above. Therefore, what are the natural occurrence contexts of social (group) morals? It is not seen that adequate explanations are given to such question. However, this study was conducted on the society of Amara region /Dejen district, which is one of the twelve regions in Ethiopia. And it is a study that investigated the natural occurrence contexts in which the studied society’s social morals are presented from the perspective of folk belief. Therefore, it is expected that it will have its own role to fill the research gap. The data of the study was ethnographically collected by the researcher in person and living with the society for many consecutive months using primary data collection methods (observation, interview and focus group discussion). Obtained data were analyzed and presented in descriptive approach. Finally, from the results of the study, it was possible to understand that the natural occurrence contexts in which the social morals of the studied society are presented mainly are related to materials, performances or abstract things.

Keywords: Ethiopia, Moral, folk belief, natural occurrence context, social (group) moral

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