One of the concerns of drama is to re-enact societal events through performances. This research thus, explores Nigerian historical evidences in dramatic form. The aim is to treat some vicious themes of the colonial era, yet prevalent in contemporary Nigeria. Yerima’s Ameh Oboni the Great directs attention to some socio-economic, political and cultural issues born out of the superiority of wills in governance that need to be addressed for a better society. Thus, adopting the principles of Stephen Greenblatts’ new historicism and Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics; which places history on a transcending platform and makes it possible to relate issues of the past with the present, this study re-evaluates the play for the purpose of contributing to the pool of knowledge available on the subject and for the advancement of society.
Keywords: African Drama, Ahmed Yerima, Ameh Oboni, Colonial Prejudice, Leadership Assertion