International Journal of Animal Health and Livestock Production Research (IJAHLPR)

EA Journals


Study of Camel Brucellosis Using Rt-Pcr for Preparing Camel Positive Gold Standard Sera (Published)

This research is conducted in group of camels which kept in separated farm with Brucella history in Dubai Emirate, UAE. used different serological test (RBPT, MRBPT and C-ELISA), Milk Ring Test and Real time PCR for the same animals with time interval to evaluate the performance of these serological tests in field of camel brucellosis and compering their result with gold standard method (RT-PCR). We goal kept the serum obtained from animals Brucella DNA detected in their Milk as positive Gold Standard Sera for validation of different serological test using in field of camel brucellosis without enough validation.

Keywords: Brucella, MRBT, RBT, RT-PCR, Serology, cELISA