International Journal of Animal Health and Livestock Production Research (IJAHLPR)

EA Journals

Abakaliki Metropolis


This study assessed the socio-economics of fish marketers within Abakaliki metropolis of Ebonyi State. The objectives of the study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of fish marketers in the study area, as well as identify the different species of fish in Abakaliki markets. Primary Data were collected using structured questionnaire administered through personal interview of the fish marketers. Data collected were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Objectives 1 and 2 were analyzed using tables and percentages. From the analysis, it was observed that majority, (90%) of the fish marketers were female and (47%) were married. (41.43%) of them are 30 years and above. (54.29%) of them attempted secondary school. (24.29%) of them attempted higher schools among whom were in schools and still struggling for sustenance. (17.14%) finished primary school while (4.29%) had no formal education. They had household size of 7-9 (44.29%), 4-6(37.14%). The data gathered also showed that scomber marketers are mostly engaged in fresh fish selling (48.57%). They mostly sourced their fish from wholesalers or cold house operators (61.43%). The result showed that majority of them were women who used their income to assist their family in one way or the other. It also showed that most of their wares were sourced from imported fish. Based on these findings of the study, the following recommendations were made; government should create more incentives that will push more people into fish farming to reduce the rate of importation. Most fresh fish sellers should call for government assistance in the area of electricity supply to enable them keep unsold fishes till the next day.

Keywords: Abakaliki Metropolis, Ebonyi State, Fish Marketers, Nigeria

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