Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India (Published)
India is a fast developing country with the aim of becoming superpower, at the same time, our country has large number of people living below poverty line. Poverty is a situation that people are unable to fulfill their basic needs of life like food, clothing, employment, housing, education and other basic human needs, which is measured by committee of experts through data provided by National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) . Poverty alleviation programmes in India are for development of people in both Urban and Rural areas. Since percentage of poverty is high in rural areas, many programmes were launched by Government for betterment of rural people. Poverty alleviation programmes are grouped under different heads like self employment, food security, social security and wage employment. Planning commission also concentrated on poverty alleviation and given importance to development of agriculture in first five year plan, second and third five year plans focused on development of industries for economic development.Poverty alleviation programme plays a vital role in our country. Government launched many alleviation programmes like Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarentee Act, Aajevka, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana etc.., Government may launch more such schemes for eradication of poverty in our country. Many Government schemes are still not reaching end users, even many people are unaware of Government schemes. Government may take initiatives to make all people aware of all schemes. True spirit of all the schemes are in eradication of poverty and development of our country.
Keywords: Government, Poverty, Poverty alleviation programmes
The Palestinian Short Story between 1944 and 1967: Themes and Motifs (Published)
The Palestinian short story was typified with its inclination to be a historical manuscript, ruled by a sense of unease, muddle and dread of the future. The continuous depiction of painful confrontations with the authorities, including their various mechanisms, generated a large collection of motifs and themes colored with intense suffering and extreme pain and shaded with a permanent endeavor to detect a better and bright future. As a result, the stories functioned like real photographs of what was actually happening on the ground. Of these themes and motifs, one can read about the Nakba (calamity) and family reunion, land confiscation and Judaization, military rule, military courts, the role of Arab states, the role of the Israeli Communist Party and finding work, poverty, imposed marriages and other social topics.
Keywords: Finding Work, Military Courts, Military Rule, Nakba and family reunion, Poverty, imposed marriages and other social topics, land confiscation and Judaization, the Palestinian short story, the role of Arab states, the role of the Communist Party
The Palestinian Short Story between 1944 and 1967- Themes and Motifs (Published)
The Palestinian short story was typified with its inclination to be a historical manuscript, ruled by a sense of unease, muddle and dread of the future. The continuous depiction of painful confrontations with the authorities, including their various mechanisms, generated a large collection of motifs and themes colored with intense suffering and extreme pain and shaded with a permanent endeavor to detect a better and bright future. As a result, the stories functioned like real photographs of what was actually happening on the ground. Of these themes and motifs, one can read about the Nakba (calamity) and family reunion, land confiscation and Judaization, military rule, military courts, the role of Arab states, the role of the Israeli Communist Party and finding work, poverty, imposed marriages and other social topics.
Keywords: Finding Work, Imposed Marriages., Judaization, Land Confiscation, Military Courts, Military Rule, Nakba Family Reunion, Palestinian Short Story, Poverty, Role of Arab States, Role of the Communist Party