The paper assesses the effect of ‘Service Compact with all Nigerians’ reforms on the structure and ethics of Anambra state civil service. A survey and descriptive methods of data collection were adopted. 214 respondents out of a total of 458 members of staff using Guilford and Flruchter (1973) formula for determining sample size were randomly selected as sample. With the aid of strategic model of Human Resource Management [SHRM] theory, percentage, and chi-square (χ2) tools, the data generated was analysed. The results of the analysis reveal that the implementation of ‘Service Compact with all Nigerians’ reforms do not have any significant effect on the structure of decision making and implementation, and on the re-invigoration of civil service ethics governing in-service training, attendance, timing, discipline, promotion and remunerations. It further reveals that it has significant effect on the personnel configuration and responsibilities of different cadre in the commission. Therefore, this paper recommends among others the creation of an enforcement unit to ensure the full implementation of the components of the reforms. Further research is also recommended to find out factors limiting the implementation of the reforms.
Keywords: Anambra State, Ethics, Reforms, Servicom, civil service structure