Global Journal of Political Science and Administration (GJPSA)

EA Journals

Good Governance: Role of Public Servants in Nigeria

Oaikhena Egualaye Igbelokoto Marvellous,Osemeke Monday


Governance has become so vast and complex that the government of the people, for the people and by the people has become the government of the people, by the government and for the people. The logic behind the idea of governance supports the development of political and administrative structures that offer the potentials for political stability and national development. Public servant in this regard plays significant role for the successful achievement of good governance. This study is expected to explain the relationship between politicians, public servants and good governance while it further revealed the efficiency of the application of the law in force, the efficacy of the decisions made by government, and the political responsibility and accountability of elected officials in relation to the demand expressed by civil society. The study is qualitative in nature, as it based its theoretical framework on structural functionalism. It submits that there is need for full respect for citizen’s rights as the public service is a major change agent in Nigeria’s quest for enhanced progress, hence the on-going reformation of the Nigerian public service is in line to achieve the purpose of good governance and deal with the challenges therein.

Keywords: Good Governance, Political Office Holders, Public Servant, Relationship

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