Vote buying is one of the prominent phenomena in Indonesian politics today, especially since the direct election era of 2004. This study discusses the influence of vote buying on voting behavior, by taking case in the 2011 Banten Gubernatorial Election at Pandeglang District, Banten Province. The main research questions is: does vote buying have influence to the voting behavior? Quantitative approach with Structural Equation Model (SEM) method was applied to examine the relationship between vote buying and voting behavior. The data collection was done by a survey of 400 respondents in selected 40 villages in Pandeglang District using stratified random sampling method. The results showed that: (1) socio-economic status did not significantly influence the vote buying experience among voters; (2) vote buying knowledge has negative effect to the vote buying experience; and (3) vote buying experience significantly influence voting behavior
Keywords: Vote Buying, Voter Compliance, Voter Loyalty, Voting Behavior, Voting Behavior Model.