Global Journal of Politics and Law Research (GJPLR)

EA Journals

Unlawful Termination of Employment Contracts in Nigeria: Legal Framework, Challenges, and Remedies


Labour and industrial relations are vital for socio-economic development in Nigeria and globally. Employee working conditions and job security significantly influence productivity and national progress, making their protection essential. To enhance employee safety, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has established standards for terminating employment that protect workers’ rights. This study analyzes employment contracts and the termination practices in Nigeria, focusing on wrongful termination as a major issue. The research reviews Nigerian Labour Law to promote job security and reduce wrongful termination instances. Findings highlight the need for improved legislation and institutional effectiveness in handling such cases. The researcher advocates for adopting ILO standards alongside necessary amendments to labour laws. Additionally, addressing obstacles like misinterpretations of the 1999 Constitution and the Third Alteration Act is crucial for successfully implementing these standards, ultimately fostering fair employment relations. The researcher also recommends enacting an Unfair Dismissal Act to further safeguard employees.

Keywords: Challenges, Legal Framework, Nigeria, Remedies, employment contracts, unlawful termination

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Impact Factor: 7.71
Print ISSN: 2053-6321
Online ISSN: 2053-6593

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