The scope of this research paper deceptive marketing practices in electronic media of Pakistan protecting the business interests of competitors is basically an attempt to provide guidelines to both of the regulators CCP and PEMRA, to establish rules, regulations and guidelines enforcing competition in Electronic Media Industry specifically related to the doctrines of “information lacking reasonable basis”[1] (‘ILRB’) and “inconsistent comparison of products” (‘ICP’) which are extracted from the doctrine of “deceptive marketing practices”. The contentious area of this research paper is that, “whether directly or indirectly harming the business of competitors in the Industry of Pakistan by disseminating information lacking reasonable basis and inconsistent comparison of services constitutes deceptive marketing practice. Furthermore, resolving procedural implications shall also clear the depiction for the Industry and PEMRA that to what extent CCP has been mandated and empowered to ensure and enforce competition law.
[1] Information Lacking Reasonable Basis
Keywords: Electronic Media, PEMRA, competition commission of Pakistan, competition law, telecommunication competition rules