Global Journal of Politics and Law Research (GJPLR)

EA Journals

Integrating Effective Communication in Early Neutral Evaluation for Managing Complex Civil Cases


The purpose of this study was to ascertain the appropriate concepts, processes and skills underpinning effective communication that can be integrated into the early neutral evaluation process. This study identified several key communication concepts, processes and skills that are in congruence with the practice of managing the early neutral evaluation session. The implications of this study prove that understanding of communication concepts, processes and skills allows the evaluator to communicate effectively and clearly to the parties, their attorneys and witnesses (particularly about the merit of the case). In addition, the evaluator is able to cope with complex situations by developing effective communication strategies. This study establishes the need to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical aspects of managing the early neutral evaluation session to ensure that the early neutral evaluation session can be managed as effectively as possible and in accordance to sound communication theories.

Keywords: Effective Communication; Early Neutral Evaluation; Complexity

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