The Prospects/Shortcomings of the Nigerian Copyright Act 2022 With Regards to Criminal Liability for Copyright Infringement (Published)
The legal framework around criminal liability for copyright infringement is examined in this article in light of the latest Copyright Act of 2022. The dynamic nature of the digital landscape has presented novel obstacles to the safeguarding of intellectual property, leading lawmakers to refine and expand the existing legal structure. This article explores the implication, enforcement strategies, and possible repercussions for people or organizations involved in the unauthorized use, duplication, or distribution of works protected by copyright. It does this by examining the particular provisions of the Copyright Act of 2022 that regulate criminal liability for copyright infringement. in order to provide a thorough understanding of the criminal aspects of copyright infringement. To achieve this, the use of doctrinal approach, also known as library based qualitative method was used. This approach involves historical, comparative, and descriptive research analysis, as well as a thorough examination of pertinent sections of the Copyright Act, judicial precedents, and scholarly discourse. It furthermore encompasses emerging domains such as technological evasion, digital piracy, and the interplay between copyright law and other legal disciplines. The essay seeks to further the discourse on intellectual property rights by examining the fairness and effectiveness of criminal sanctions as deterrents for copyright infringement. This article seeks to inform policymakers, legal practitioners, and the general populace on the evolving framework of copyright protection in the digital era by examining the legal foundations of criminal culpability or liability
Keywords: Copyright Infringement, Nigerian copyright act 2022, Prospects, criminal liability, shortcomings
Population and Development in Nigeria: Contemporary Issues and Prospects (Published)
This paper x-rays contemporary legal issues and problems associated with population and development in Nigeria. A potpourri of materials namely: statutes, textbooks, journals, articles, reports, case laws, and internet materials have been consulted in the course of writing this paper. The paper states that several studies have revealed that the growth of any nation is basically centered on its developmental strides and policies. The relationship between population and development is very dynamic in nature. A country is regarded as being developed when the institutional framework, policies and structures are functional and effective. Over population affects the environment and in turn, hampers its developmental growth. The environment experiences crisis when its economic growth skyrockets its capacity limit. Developing countries like Nigeria and some other countries in the Sub-Saharan region face an uphill task in trying to manage their ever increasing populace. The paper also examined population policies in Nigeria and reveals a critical gap between population and development and calls for legal and institutional reforms that will bring about an effective enforcement of population and development policies in Nigeria.
Keywords: Development, Issues, Nigeria, Population, Prospects
Gas Flaring In Nigeria: Problems and Prospects (Published)
The issue of gas flaring in Nigeria has become a topical one in view of the devastating effect gas flaring has in the socio-economic lives of the people in the affected areas. Historically, it is said that gas flaring is as old as oil production in Nigeria. Oil exploratory activities of oil companies in Nigeria have caused gas flaring resulting in loss of lives and properties in the affected communities where gas is flared. There is no specific legal framework that prohibits gas flaring in Nigeria inspite of the environmental problems associated with it. The existing law that appears to regulate gas flaring in Nigeria is not effective as it does not completely prohibit gas flaring but only provide monetary penalties for continued flaring of gas by oil companies in Nigeria. The Judiciary therefore appeared to have championed the cause for the abolition of gas flaring in Nigeria. This paper examines the legal framework for gas flaring in Nigeria and further identifies the problems and prospects associated with the flaring of gas in Nigeria and makes useful recommendations
Keywords: Gas-flaring, Nigeria, Problems, Prospects