Global Journal of Politics and Law Research (GJPLR)

EA Journals

Private Schools

State intervention in the educational processes of private schools in Greece: The idiomatic employment status of teachers (Published)

This study is an inquiry into the state intervention in the educational processes of the private schools in Greece with an emphasis on the employment status of teachers. First, it examines the constitutional and legislative framework of private education and state surveillance. Then, it investigates the employment status of teachers in private schools and the state involvement in the hiring procedure, the conclusion of the labor contract, and the termination procedure. The study ends with concerns about the constitutionality of state intervention in the above procedures and suggests improvements for a just and compatible legal framework.

Keywords: Private Schools, state intervention, teachers’ dismissal, teachers’ recruitment, the principle of proportionality

State intervention in the educational processes of private schools in Greece: The idiomatic employment status of teachers (Published)

This study is an inquiry into the state intervention in the educational processes of the private schools in Greece with an emphasis on the employment status of teachers. First, it examines the constitutional and legislative framework of private education and state surveillance. Then, it investigates the employment status of teachers in private schools and the state involvement in the hiring procedure, the conclusion of the labor contract, and the termination procedure. The study ends with concerns about the constitutionality of state intervention in the above procedures and suggests improvements for a just and compatible legal framework.

Keywords: Private Schools, state intervention, teachers’ dismissal, teachers’ recruitment, the principle of proportionality

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