Global Journal of Politics and Law Research (GJPLR)

EA Journals

commercial law

Implications of Agency on English Commercial Law: An Analysis from the Legal Perspective (Published)

Agency in Commercial Law holds substantial position where commercial transactions are conducted. It is an intricate legal area and disputes frequently arise. There are legal formalities that need to be complied with in setting up an agency. A clear agency agreement can help both parties understand their rights and responsibilities and avoid unnecessary conflict and potential expense. Delving into the intricacies of Agency Law grants valuable insights into the UK’s legal system. This paper will explore the major aspects of agency, its magnitude, and the agency relationship configuration. It will also analyze the commercial agency agreements and their underlying principles. Finally, it will expose the basic apparatus and procedure to navigate the complexities of agency and cope with its challenges in the legal framework of English Commercial Law.

Keywords: Agency, Agent, Principal, commercial law

The Impact of Covid-19 on International Commercial Arbitration: challenges and solutions (Published)

This article examines the potential impact on future international arbitration proceedings. In the first chapter of this article, the researcher addressed the definition and its introduction and in the second chapter the researcher addressed the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on international arbitration, including the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on an international arbitration hearing and the impact of the epidemic on international litigation that addressed developments. In this regard, at the international level, the most appropriate sources, technology and digital record systems are changing, with strategies used in technology that maintains processes. In the following current events, the researcher addresses the impact of arbitration practices. In the Third chapter, the researcher dealt with the measures taken to Confrontation the challenges of international arbitration, and dealt with the legal basis for remote hearings in the International Chamber of Commerce, the American Arbitration Association, the London Committee of International Arbitration, and the Chinese International Economic and Commercial Arbitration Committee. The researcher concluded this study in the last chapter with some findings and recommendations.

Citation: Khaled Abed Alshakhanbeh (2022) The Impact of Covid-19 on International Commercial Arbitration: challenges and solutions, Global Journal of Politics and Law Research, Vol.10, No.1, pp.23-32



Keywords: : international arbitration, COVID-19, Litigation, commercial law

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