This paper examines the challenges of women’s inheritance rights under the laws in Nigeria. It states that in Nigeria, patriarchal customs and cultural norms have long made the issue of women’s inheritance rights contentious and that with enormous differences between men and women in terms of property ownership, financial security, and social standing, women have historically had a difficult time obtaining and protecting their due inheritance. It is the objective of this paper, to explain that, Nigeria is a country with a wide variety of cultural traditions, each with its unique inheritance laws. By limiting the capacity of women to inherit property from their fathers, husbands, or other family members, these customs have historically disadvantaged women. The researcher adopted the doctrinal research method. Prejudice and gender inequality are fueled by these customs, which usually place women in a subordinate role. To address these inequalities, Nigeria enacted laws to regulate inheritance rights, including the Wills Act and the Matrimonial Causes Act. While the Wills Act governs the division of property through wills, allowing people to distribute their assets as they see appropriate, the Matrimonial Causes Act addresses the rights of spouses in the case of a divorce. However, many cultural practices and laws still exist in spite of the legal safeguards offered by the Wills Act and the Matrimonial Causes Act. These traditions and practices, in addition to legal inconsistencies and gaps, provide barriers and discrimination against women, restricting their inheritance rights and sustaining inequality. The paper recommends that all hands must be on deck if any progress is to be achieved in freeing women from the constraints of our culture. The paper concludes that, government should educate citizens in an effort to alter harmful practices and societal norms.
Keywords: Challenges, Customs, Nigeria, women inheritance rights