Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (GJPACR)

EA Journals

Nanotechnical Synthesis, Fourier Trandformed Infrared Study of Biogenic Siver Nanoparticles (Agnps) From Moringer Oleifera Leave Extract for Photodegradation of Methylene Blue Under Visible Light Irradiation


The synthesized AgNPs successfully degraded methylene blue dye, showcasing their potential as an eco-friendly alternative for dye remediation in wastewater treatment. This study highlights the viability of plant-mediated nanoparticle synthesis as a green method that minimizes harmful chemicals, aligns with environmental safety, and supports sustainable practices. Future research could focus on optimizing reaction conditions, scaling up production, and exploring the long-term stability and reusability of these nanoparticles in industrial applications.

Keywords: : Nanotechnical Synthesis, Biogenic Siver Nanoparticles (AgNPs), Fourier Trandformed, Methylene Blue, Moringer Oleifera Leave, Photodegradation, Visible Light Irradiation

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Impact Factor: 7.76
Print ISSN: 2055-0073
Online ISSN: 2055-0081

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