Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (GJPACR)

EA Journals

synergistic effects

Efficacy of Coupled Electrokinetic Remediation Techniques for Soil Decontamination (Published)

Traditional technologies for removal of numerous contaminants in fine grained soils have not been very effective when the soil has high absorptive properties and low hydraulic conductivity. These traditional technologies which are mainly ex-situ are also associated with high cost and very long remediation time. Electrokinetic Remediation (EKR) has proven to be an effective means of removing various contaminants from a matrix with high salinity, low permeability and high buffering capacity. These contaminants include organic compounds, heavy metals, radionuclides, organic waste and some mixed inorganic species. The working components for electrokinetic systems such as electrodes, electrolytes, contaminant concentration which impact on the effectiveness of the process and the overview of the principles of this technique in different soils are discussed through this review. Also, many researches have revealed that electrokinetics in combination with other techniques improves remediation efficiency of polluted soils. These other techiques such as bioremediation, fenton technique, phytoremediation have positive coupling effect when combined with electrokinetics unlike results obtained when individual techniques are used alone. Merits and demerits of the coupled techniques are also outlined. Overall, a well-articulated experimental design for the application of electrokinetics should be employed to greatly improve the efficiency of the technique and combination of techniques is advised for synergy and hence optimum remediation results.

Citation: Orisakwe E.U., and Oguzie E.E (2022) Efficacy of Coupled Electrokinetic Remediation Techniques for Soil Decontamination: A Review, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research, Vol.10, No.2, pp.42-68

Keywords: Remediation, coupling techniques, electrokinetic, fine-grained soils, synergistic effects

Efficacy of Coupled Electrokinetic Remediation Techniques for Soil Decontamination- A Review (Published)

Traditional technologies for removal of numerous contaminants in fine grained soils have not been very effective when the soil has high absorptive properties and low hydraulic conductivity. These traditional technologies which are mainly ex-situ are also associated with high cost and very long remediation time.  Electrokinetic Remediation (EKR) has proven to be an effective means of removing various contaminants from a matrix with high salinity, low permeability and high buffering capacity. These contaminants include organic compounds, heavy metals, radionuclides, organic waste and some mixed inorganic species. The working components for electrokinetic systems such as electrodes, electrolytes, contaminant concentration which impact on the effectiveness of the process and the overview of the principles of this technique in different soils are discussed through this review. Also, many researches have revealed that electrokinetics in combination with other techniques improves remediation efficiency of polluted soils. These other techiques such as bioremediation, fenton technique, phytoremediation have positive coupling effect when combined with electrokinetics unlike results obtained when individual techniques are used alone. Merits and demerits of the coupled techniques are also outlined. Overall, a well-articulated experimental design for the application of electrokinetics should be employed to greatly improve the efficiency of the technique and combination of techniques is advised for synergy and hence optimum remediation results

Citation: Orisakwe E.U and Oguzie E.E. (2022) Efficacy of Coupled Electrokinetic Remediation Techniques for Soil Decontamination- A Review, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research, Vol.10, No.2, pp.1-27

Keywords: Remediation, coupling techniques, electrokinetic, fine-grained soils, synergistic effects

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