Global Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research (GJPACR)

EA Journals


Investigation the ratios of antioxidant supplementation into the mixure of Gac (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng) and carrier to get the highest total carotenoid content during drying process (Review Completed - Accepted)

Gac fruit, Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng, also known as baby jackfruit or sweet gourd, is one of the traditional fruits in Vietnam. Studies report that extraordinarily high levels of carotenoids, especially β-carotene and lycopene, are found in Gac fruit aril, the brightly coloured flesh covering the seeds. Gac fruit also contains significantly high levels of α-tocopherol (vitamin E) and of fatty acids. It is very important therefore, to preserve or enhance these constituents in processed Gac fruit products, particularly the high levels of carotenoids and the associated antioxidant activity. Dried Gac powder is usually the dried aril component having the high concentration of nutrients and colour. The aim of this study is to investigate the ratios of antioxidant supplementation such as vitamin C and vitamin E into the mixture of Gac and carrier. The result shows that vitamin C at content of 2000ppm (according to weight of wet material) supplemented into the mixture of Gac and carrier gives the highest total carotene content

Keywords: Antioxidant Supplementation, Carotene, Gac Fruit, Vitamin C, Vitamin E

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