Borrowing the concept of management in general, human resource management of college can be defined as an effort to planning, organizing, mobilizing and assessing the human resources of college so it can contribute as much as possible to the development of college and the achievement of programs and work plans. A college human resource management research is an integral part of the evolving Human Resource Management context that specializes in human resource management in college. College human Resource Management becomes a concept, fact and idea, a group (genus), campus and personal community. It emphasizes the complicated parts of a lecturer as figure and as an ordinary human and intellectual community group (educated) that can be elaborated in scientific and cultural studies. The existence of College Human Resource Management becomes a “challenge” as well as the needs of college and stakeholders. It more focuses in managing the work of all potential lecturers as well as to minimize the various shortcomings it has. In the end College Human Resource Management able to display professional lecturers profile in carrying the duty which they have, which is to carry A College Tri Dharma. But in the midst of incessantly, in college it can still found lecturers who are not in accordance with educational qualifications, lecturer status that has not been in accordance with the standards of competence and not all lecturers have NIDN. This is very contradictory to the goals of college which is to achieve, for example, most college in Indonesia have aspirations towards world class university (WCU). Based on the phenomenon and reality that disclosed, the problem in this research was formulated as follows: 1). How does the lecturer planning human resource at Teling Manado TKT III Rumkit Nurses’s Academy, 2) How is the development of lecturer human resources at Teling Manado TKT III Rumkit Nurses’s Academy, 3) How to monitoring and evaluate of lecturer human resources at Teling Manado TKT III Rumkit Nurses’s Academy, 4) How is the organization motivate lecturers to improve human resourcesof educator and professionalism as a lecturer at the Teling Manado TKT III Rumkit Nurses’s Academy. The study’s perspective is descriptive-qualitative with phenomenology design. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Samples were taken using purposive sampling by snowball sampling. On the other hand data analysis is using Grounded Theory which was developed by Strauss and Corbin (1990: 57) through several procedures, namely: Open Coding, Axial Coding, and Selective Coding. The results of this study are: 1) the Corps or alamamater in an institution is very important in terms of planning, especially recruitment and selection, 2) Climate and organization culture is a consideration in terms of planning, 3) Development brings behavioral changes toward specialization, differentiation and professionalism teachers or lecturers in teaching, personal, social and professional, 4) Improved performance and responsibility to the duties and functions for educators or lecturers is the responsibility of educators or faculty and educational institutions so that deviations or errors can be avoided, 5 ) Efforts to maintain consistent professionalism ability of educators or lecturers performed either by educators or lecturers as well as institutions themselves wherever they are located, so that the optimal results on improving professionalism of teachers or lecturers can be sustainable. In this case, the commitment of all stakeholders in education to run the college human resources management with a good and responsible is key to success with the creation of a lecturer professional where the out-put finally able to produce graduates who are competent.
Keywords: College, Human Resource Management, Lecturer