Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals

smart city

Smart City Master Plan for the Government of Serang Regency (Published)

This research develops the concept of a smart city in Serang Regency by studying and preparing an empirical structure in the realization of a smart city in Serang Regency. The data collection technique used is Library Research on secondary data. Literature study was conducted to obtain secondary legal material by conducting a review of books related to the object of preparation. Data analysis was carried out using the content analysis approach. The results of the Roadmap Smart Platform research are more focused on data integration and service integration in an area. This roadmap is adjusted to the main priorities and agenda related to application development and data integration in Serang Regency. Developed in line with data integration, increased authorization and information system security. In building infrastructure is to strengthen bandwidth. Bandwidth is the main capital to simplify and speed up business processes in the regions. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the Smart Platform Roadmap is more focused on data integration and service integration in an area. This roadmap is adjusted to the main priorities and agenda related to application development and data integration in Serang Regency. Developed in line with data integration, increased authorization and information system security. In building infrastructure is to strengthen bandwidth. Bandwidth is the main capital to simplify and speed up business processes in the regions.


Keywords: E-government, budget allocation, roadmap, smart city, smart village