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Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

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Assessing the Relationship Between Performance Management and Quality Service Delivery in Counties of the Lake Region Economic Bloc Kenya (Published)

County governments in Kenya were inaugurated in the year 2013 to continuously find measures that can enable them raise standards of services through practicing appropriate performance practice to deliver quality services. It has been evident that County governments have been experiencing a myriad of problems that constrain their delivery. This study aimed at assessing the relationship between performance practice and quality service Delivery among Lake Region economic bloc counties governments in Kenya. This study was anchored on objective factor theory supported by expectancy and human capital theories. The study used an explanatory design. The target population was nine hundred and eighty-five officials. A sample size of 356 through Yamane‟s (1979) sample size formula at a 95% confidence level, p=0.5 formula. Stratified and simple random sampling was used. Data collection was through questionnaire. Results for the objective performance management was positively significant in relationship to quality service delivery. The study recommended that, County government should always create an adequate performance management framework that will effectively link the performance of County government departments to their development goals.

Citation: Gordon Odongo Olala, Geoffry Kimutai and Christopher Ngacho (2022) Assessing the Relationship Between Performance Management and Quality Service Delivery in Counties of the Lake Region Economic Bloc Kenya, Global Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.10, No.6, pp.1-14,


Keywords: Management, Performance, Quality, Service, delivery

Assessing the Relationship Between Hiring Practice and Quality Service Delivery in Counties of the Lake Region Economic Bloc Kenya (Published)

Human Resource management practices like hiring is some of the practices which made County governments in Kenya to be inaugurated in the year 2013 to help deliver quality services. Since then, it has been evident that County governments have been experiencing a myriad of problems that constrain their delivery capabilities. This study aimed at assessing the relationship between hiring practice and quality service Delivery in Lake Region economic bloc county governments in Kenya. This study was anchored on objective factor theory supported by expectancy and human capital theories. The study used an explanatory design. The target population was nine hundred and eighty-five counties resource officials. A sample size of 356 through Yamane‟s (1979) sample size formula at a 95% confidence level, p=0.5 formula was used. Stratified and simple random sampling was applied. Data collection was through questionnaire. Results for the objective, hiring practice was positively significant in relationship to quality service delivery. The study recommended that, County government should always engage professional associations in hiring process and ensure appropriate hiring methods.

Citation: Gordon Odongo Olala,  Geoffrey Kimutai, and  Christopher Ngacho (2022)  Assessing the Relationship Between Hiring Practice and Quality Service Delivery in Counties of the Lake Region Economic Bloc Kenya, Global Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.10, No.5, pp.33-46

Keywords: Management, Quality, Service, delivery, hiring

Impacting Deposit Service Quality on Customers’ Satisfaction: A Case of Bidv in Can Tho (Published)

Saving deposits have a very important meaning to the bank because it is the basis for the bank to bring profits through investments, loans, reserves… Therefore, it is important for commercial banks to ensure maximum customer satisfaction with the services that the bank provides. The study objective is to find out the determinants affecting the deposit service quality of Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) in Can Tho City. The researchers surveyed 350 customers using deposit services of BIDV answered 28 questions but 331 customers processed. The primary sources of data collected from July 2018 to April 2019 in Can Tho City. Simple random sampling technique. The Data analyzed Cronbach’s Alpha and the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), which used for multiple linear regression and using partial least squares method. Customers’ responses measured through an adapted questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale. In addition, the findings of the study have six factors affecting the deposit service quality of BIDV in Can Tho city with significance level 0.05.

Keywords: Customer, Deposit, Quality, Service, satisfaction and TDU