Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals

quality of human resources management

The Impact of Human Resource Management Quality on Work Life Quality through The Moderating Role of Organizational Justice: The Case Study of the Expatriate Employees (Published)

The main objective of this article is to study the influence of the human resource management quality on the expatriate employees’ work life quality of within a multicultural service company, moderated by organizational justice. For this purpose, we first highlight a literature review related to human resource management quality, social environment, organizational commitment, and organizational justice. Then, we present preliminary results from a qualitative exploratory study conducted among 58 expatriate employees working in multicultural service companies and organizations in Doha (Qatar). We used cognitive mapping and applied a structural analysis through the cross-impact matrix method via the MICMAC software. The analysis reveals that organizational justice in multicultural service companies influences the quality of work life for expatriate employees.

Keywords: employees’ work life quality, organizational-justice, quality of human resources management