Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM)

EA Journals

company policy.

Level of job satisfaction in Agribusiness sector in Bangladesh: An application of Herz-berg two factors motivation theory (Published)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting job satisfaction of the employees of   agribusiness sector in Bangladesh. In this study the populations are targeted employees of the agribusiness companies. The companies include National Agri Care Ltd, Lal Teer Seed Ltd,  ACI Agribusiness Ltd, Krisibid Group Ltd, Kazi farms Ltd, etc. The data was collected and administered by means of a structured questionnaire   based on the two factors Herzberg Motivation theory.  The sample size is 100 for the purpose of determining the adequacy of Herzberg two factor theories, a stratified random sampling method used to ascertain the satisfaction in agribusiness sectors (entry level, mid-level, top level management) in Bangladesh. The demographic factors including age, sex, education, designation, family size also influence job satisfaction in agribusiness sectors. The research provided a better understanding regarding the factors affecting level of job satisfaction in agribusiness sectors. Thus, emphasizes that there is still a need to conduct additional research to fill the gaps that have not been solved in the current study.  In the final chapter,   some recommendations were provided for future use to any researcher in this academic field.

Keywords: Autonomy, Hygiene factor, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, company policy., participation in management