Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals

the Church.

St. Paul, an inspiring leader of the Early Christian Communities (2 Cor 11:23-29) – Points for Reflection for Priests and Christian Leaders (Published)

Citation: Emmanuel U. Dim (2022) St. Paul, an inspiring leader of the Early Christian Communities (2 Cor 11:23-29) – Points for Reflection for Priests and Christian Leaders, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.10, No.5, pp.1-14


St. Paul is often referred to as the most important and creative figure in the history of the early Church, as is evident from his life, works, missionary journeys and general evangelizational legacy.  He was, in fact, the leading missionary of that early Christianity.  But most Christians may not be fully aware of these noble facts, as Paul was also really notorious for his earlier brutal persecution of the same Church.  This article aims at bringing out the laudable merits and legacy of this great apostle which remain exemplary for all Christians, especially the Christian leaders, to this day – a fact for which the Church specially celebrated the Year of St. Paul from June 28, 2008 to June 29, 2009.  The methodology employed in this work is the historical-exegetical method.  With the help of this method, the shining examples and general legacy of this great apostle in the early Church have been more deeply unearthed with the result that they would now become a constant and lasting encouragement for all Christian leaders, and Christians in general, as well as biblical scholars and students. It is on that note that this article, which was initially a reflection for priests and Christian leaders here in Nigeria, has now been updated and is being published for the benefit of a wider audience.

Keywords: An inspiring Leader, Christian Leaders, the Church.

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