Raising Marketplace Ambassadors in Pluralistic Nigeria Society (Published)
The Pluralistic Nigeria Society is currently bedevilled with many vices and corruption, especially in the marketplace. To surmount these problems and achieve the needed transformation, there is a need to raise marketplace ambassadors as God’s divine tools for engaging the pluralistic culture. This paper identifies Nigerian society as a pluralistic society and the marketplace as the seat of power and authority where real societal change can occur in a pluralistic society. The paper underscores that “Christ’s ambassadors in the marketplace” are the agents of change; however, much emphasis is placed on raising marketplace ambassadors in Nigeria. The paper highlights some biblical examples of marketplace ambassadors, critical areas of society where churches need to raise marketplace ambassadors and how the churches can equip business leaders for effective changes in Nigerian society. Finally, the paper addresses some peculiar challenges associated with marketplaces in Nigeria and recommends a means of overcoming such difficulties.
Citation: Adeyemi J. F. (2023) Raising Marketplace Ambassadors in Pluralistic Nigeria Society, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.11, No.4, pp.102-113
Keywords: ambassadors, pluralistic Nigeria society, raising marketplace