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Political Imagery of Partai Amanat Nasional Through Outdoor Media in Obtaining the Public Sympathy at General Election in North Sumatra, 2005-2015 (Published)

Political imagery through the media is a very powerful strategy in instilling the public opinion about a party. Therefore, through the imagery, it is expected to occur a shift of opinion to a better direction. With a positive public opinion, the decision to vote becomes a necessity to the party that is fighting in the political arena. Public opinion itself is a method of persuasion with a wider communication system. Political imagery which is conducted by Partai Amanat Nasional/National Mandate Party (PAN) to attract the sympathy of the people of North Sumatra in 2005-2015 used varied political communication strategies. The purpose of the imagery is to achieve the community sympathy, so that the electability acquisition of PAN votes can increase. DPW PAN of North Sumatra performs political imaging through the use of mass communication channels, interpersonal communication, outdoor communication, and group communication.

Keywords: General Election, Outdoor Media, Pan, Political Imagery, Public Sympathy

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