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Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals


Restructuring, Social Order and Development in Nigeria (Published)

Nigeria from colonial period through post colonial period has settled for federal system of government which allows for division of powers and jurisdictions among the levels of government that made up the federation. Overtime, there have been observable imperfections in the Nigerian federalism which have triggered protests, agitations and patriotic calls for restructuring of the system. On the basis of the foregoing, we commended as follows: that there should be devolution of more powers to the federating units in Nigeria; that fiscal federalism should be practiced to give room for resource control by the federating units and that the principles of federal character as enshrined in our national constitution should be observed in appointment and location of critical infrastructure across all sections of the country. This paper is a departure from this trend, orthodoxy is challenged by showing the nexus and interface between restructuring, social order, and development in Nigeria. Development is said to be a predictor that determines whether a country is progressing or not. A critical assessment of Nigeria’s development despite her abundance in human, natural and material resources reveals that the country is yet to achieve the desired expectations as clamored by her citizens. The objective of this study was to identify the challenges to development in Nigeria. In other to obtain data for the research, the work adopted qualitative research method through textual analysis. The findings of this study revealed that despite the country’s attempt to advance development, several challenges has posed a great threat to her progress. These setbacks range from imposition of politices on the citizens, lack of adequate human resources or capital to implement development plans/policies, corruption and lack of credible leadership among others. It recommended that accountability and transparency should be the country’s guiding philosophy in all her operations. Also once the identified limitations are tackled then development will be realized in the country.

Keywords: Development, Federalism, Government, Restructuring, Revolution, Social order

The Existence of Hukum Tua in Villages Government ( Study About Hukum Tua On Responsibility of Government Concept in the District of Minahasa North Sulawesi Province Year Period Of 1945-2014 ) (Published)

Issues raised in this dissertation research is about tidal of existence Hukum Tua in governance villages in Minahasa, North Sulawesi Province, in various of State over the village setting. This research focus on secondary data from the literature that is supported by primary data obtained from a field research. Specifications of this research is qualitative analysis.Based on statement of problems presented, can be seen that the existence of Hukum Tua in governance villages in Minahasa, North Sulawesi Provinces has been good; responsibility as accountability (accountability) are performed in calculation (account) on the resources or authority to use, accountability as a liability (obligation) for the fulfillment, keeply, and fulfillment of achievement through agreements with the confidence (trust) communities, and accountability as causation (cause) of the aspirations of the people under the demands that have been accommodated in the task to accelerate the realization achievement of the goals and objectives desired. Hukum Tua liability in governance in various arrangements of State over the governance villages which has been from 1945 to 2014 is divided into four periods (1945 to 1979 period, 1979-1999 period, 1999-2004 period and 2004-2014 period) each with different characteristics on the procedural aspect of formal side. The conclusions research indicate that there a negative influence between existence Hukum Tua and enactmen variuos legislation on Local Government and Village Government

Keywords: Authority, Government, Hukum Tua, Village, responsibility

Production and Consumption of Non-Standardised Alcohol in Kenya: With Whom Does the Buck Stop (Published)

Realising that harmful alcohol drinking among Kenyans has reached alarming proportions, on July 1, 2015 the Government of Kenya through a presidential directive moved to destroy illicit liquor countrywide. By means of a critical-analytical approach, this paper argues that such a kneejerk political move cannot be effectual in solving the alcohol problem in the country. As pointed out by many commentators on the subject, insensitive drinking is a function of many factors, not just the availability of low-priced non-standard liquor. A broad-based approach to tackling the problem of production and consumption of such alcohol and irresponsible drinking in general ought to address social and economic issues such as poverty which results in production and consumption of cheap low-quality liquor and corruption in agencies charged with the responsibility of regulating and policing alcohol production and consumption. The paper primarily focuses on the role of the relevant government agencies as well as that of the primary socialisers, namely the family and the school in promoting sensitive alcohol production, drinking patterns and responsible citizenry, pointing out the need for a paradigm shift in the way the agencies address the problem.

Keywords: Government, School, family, insensitive drinking, non-standardised alcohol