The Return to Hegel at Game Theory: A Brief History of Domination (Published)
This paper shows how the Hegelian dialectic of master-slave reflects the psychic evolution of patriarchy, ending up in modern characters as the perverse and the neurotic from psychoanalysis. But before studying Hegel’s domination-submission itself, it is necessary to understand the theory of the social contract that sees rationality as the end of domination between humans; the patriarchal domination between animals; the exception to this rule represented by matriarchy among bonobos; and the Paleolithic and Neolithic prehistory, where matriarchy existed between humans; and how this became the patriarchy of the masters who followed the law of the strongest; and that after the advent of Christianity, it became the patriarchy of the perverse masters, that is, from those who pervert the social law of fairness from Christianity, through collusions structured as a prisoner’s dilemma, as in (Faveret, 2014, chapter 1).