Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals

Defective Products


In the age of capitalism and the struggle for liberation from the clutches of tyranny and the right people to achieve the government’s but experience has shown that investors such as sovereign political power is dangerous if you do not give change only in ways that exceed so for justice and freedom in a way that will protect the weak against the strong domination. However, one of the issues raised in modern industrialized societies and many lawsuits has caused damage to goods imported into the country for people who have no contractual relationship with the manufacturers and their suppliers. One way to protect the consumers are injured, mostly artisans and merchants against the adverse consequences of the production cycle, Manufacturers have their own product to make it safe to profit from the production of such a high standard that no interest will be damaged, be held responsible. Supply industry in the world today, especially in the case of dangerous goods, the consumer is innocent and needs support. Because they could not prove the danger caused by the product, However, sometimes the fault is not caused unintended loss of compensation he would not, therefore, The benefits of the manufacturer or the manufacturer of consumer goods and the losses and just goes from here And safeguards to prevent undue damage and recover from it is a man’s own life, the huge volume of goods the aircraft, automobiles and agricultural products to a variety of foods, beverages, paints, health products, medicines and technical tools that are available in the market have to use in this case is who is responsible for losses that might arise from such goods? Losses that may occur due to defects in the goods, who is responsible? It is essential that Iranian lawyers to re-examine the traditional institutions of their rights and recognition of their new, Deficiencies and problems that lead to the use of a consumer product may cause loss and compensation for the losses borne by the consumer fails to properly recognize and better regulation of the damages resulting from the defective goods shall The aim of this study was to define the extent and types of civil liability principles poor little civic responsibility in Iranian law, the rules and regulations this. Contractual and non-contractual liability of the goods, types of defects in the goods, defective goods other than sales contracts, civil liability of certain goods, such as (food, clothing and apparel, accessories, bottles, etc.) shall be explored . And the other half at contradictory in terms of choice of court and choice of law rules and legal systems of the world’s top responsibility of the defective product as America legal system, in Europe and the legal systems Great Britain, Since the legal systems consumer ahead and try to manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers worldwide, to encourage and to some extent forced on manufactured goods to protect consumers.

Keywords: Builders, Civil Liability, Contractors Liability, Defective Products, Manufacturers, Non-Contractual Liability.

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