Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (GJAHSS)

EA Journals


A Number of Complicated Aspects of Religious Life in Vietnam Today and Suggested Regulation Policies (Published)

Religion, at any time, is a sensitive issue that attracts the attention of domestic and international public opinion. Taking advantage of this reality, hostile foreign forces have sabotaged Vietnam in recent years by publishing false reports about religious freedom in Vietnam through a one-sided, unilateral, and inconsiderate approach to information. The article makes contribution in analyzing the actual situation of some tricks that have been and are being exploited by hostile forces and extremist elements in religious issues to sabotage the Party and State of Vietnam such as: taking advantage of religious evangelism among ethnic minorities to form separatist ideology and extreme nationalism; distorting religious policy to interfere in internal politics and bargaining in Vietnam’s foreign relations; religiousization of political, economic, and social issues; taking advantage of limitations in implementing ethnic and religious policies of the Party and State of Vietnam; taking advantage of land issues related to religious facilities; taking advantage of social networks and international forums; taking advantage of social charity activities, etc. The article further mentions several possible policy solutions to make adjustment to the above religious complications in the coming time.


Keywords: Policy, Religion., Security, Vietnam, believers

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