European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS)

EA Journals

Tertiary Institutions

Promoting Undergraduates’ Interest in Mathematics as a Discipline of Study in Tertiary Institutions: An Exploration of Pragmatic Strategies for Policy Decision (Published)

The waning interest of students in pursuing mathematics as a discipline at the tertiary level contributes to the shortage of mathematics teachers in Nigeria. It is disheartening to observe the declining trend in students opting for mathematics at the undergraduate level, especially given the significant contributions of mathematics in achieving the objectives of tertiary education in Nigeria. This paper explored pragmatic strategies for policy decisions aimed at enhancing undergraduates’ interest in mathematics as a discipline of study. Key strategies include innovative teaching methods, collaborative learning environments, mentorship programmes, and digital transformation. The paper recommends policy measures such as competitive salaries, ongoing professional development, and incentives to attract and retain qualified mathematics educators. Additionally, it advocates for the establishment of structures to embed technology into mathematics classrooms, including securing funding, teacher training, and maximizing digital tools for improved understanding.

Keywords: Mathematics, Tertiary Institutions, policy measures, pragmatic strategies, undergraduates


This research examined students’ interest in social studies and academic achievement in tertiary institutions in Cross River State, Nigeria. To achieve the purpose of this study, one hypothesis was formulated to direct the study. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. A sample of seven hundred and fifty-three (753) students was randomly selected for the study. The instruments for data collection were the Students’ Interest in social Studies Questionnaire (SISSQ) and Social Studies Achievement Test (SOSAT) developed by the researchers were subjected to validation by experts in measurement and evaluation. The reliability estimate of the instruments was established through the split-half reliability method and it associate Spearman Brown prophecy formula. Pearson product moment correlation analysis was adopted to test the hypothesis at.05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that students’ interest in social studies significantly relate to their academic achievement in the subject. Based on the finding of the study, it was recommended that teachers/facilitators should explain all subject matter in away that each student can comprehend in order to arouse their interest in the subject among others.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Cross River State, Nigeria, Social Studies, Students’ Interest, Tertiary Institutions

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