European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS)

EA Journals

Information Technology


The Saudi Arabian context presents a difficult situation for integration of information technology, especially in girls’ classrooms. Saudi Arabia is a country characterized by Islamic culture and beliefs, and the educational concepts are deeply rooted in Islamic teachings and beliefs. Alenezi (2014) alleges that the challenge of integrating ICT in education for girls, while at the same time, considering Islamic values is a leading hurdle to the implementation of ICT policies in girls’ classrooms. Besides the culture, other factors are in play, in hindering the implementation of ICT in girls’ classrooms in the region. Alharbi (2013) observes that, although the government and other stakeholders have tried their best to incorporate and enhance ICT in Saudi Arabian classrooms, teacher attitudes and low levels of teacher training in ICT remain nagging challenges. Alshehri (2014) emphasizes that, weak preparation training for teachers in the field of ICT is a big hindrance to the incorporation of technology in classrooms. Since technology is transforming every aspect of human life, there is a need to integrate it effectively in the Saudi Arabian classrooms for girls, in order to enable them to keep at par with the global demands. For successful integration of ICT in girls’ classrooms, there is need to review and understand the challenges facing the integration, in order to devise the best action plan for dealing with the challenges. As observed by Alenezi (2014), the Saudi state agencies have been in the forefront to integrate technologies in classrooms, but with few gains. This current research paper will delve into the integration of technology in education for girls in Saudi Arabia, including the challenges and benefits of implementing the system.

Keywords: Educational System, Information Technology, Saudi Arabian Context

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