European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS)

EA Journals


Curriculum Development in Business Education: Challenges in Enhancing the Implementation (Published)

Business Education programme in Nigeria requires a proactive and effective assessment that can bridge the gap between theory and practice. This will go a long way in ensuring the correlation between skills and competency displayed by graduates of business education and the certificate they obtain to parade looking for white-collar jobs in the world of competition. This can only be achieved through a well-structured and update of business education curriculum. The curriculum development process include: curriculum content with details of what the teachers are expected to teach and each students expected to learn. Business education graduates should be able to put to practice the skills professed by their certificates. The study examines, concept of curriculum development, types of curriculum development models, principles of curriculum development, trends that will shape curriculum development. Some of the challenges in enhancing the implementation of business education curriculum are; Inadequate funding of business education programme, Poor maintenance of business education equipment, unstructured curriculum in business education and inadequate qualified lecturers. Among others, it was recommended that the university authorities should adequately fund Business education Programmes to enable them have a required facilities for effective teaching and learning and employing adequate qualified teachers to teach in business education programme

Keywords: Business Education, Curriculum Development, Implementation

Deficit Factors In the Implementation of Educational Policies and Reforms in Bayelsa State, Nigeria (Published)

This paper focuses on deficit factors in the implementation of educational policies and curriculum reforms in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. It is reasoned that the education sector in Bayelsa State has undergone certain reforms guided by public policies at all levels in recent years. However, much as these policies are actions by public officials, there is a significant absence of corresponding results in productivity and performance index. This perhaps may be as a result of the deficits occasioned by exclusion of the policy holders (teachers and students) who are critical to the implementation and reform process that are expected to drive positive educational outcomes. This paper takes an analytical view on the merits of the educational policies and reforms from 2012 till date viz-a-viz teachers’( personnel), exclusion factors, wastages and corruption that have attended these policies and reforms among others. The conclusion is that, these educational policies and reforms in the state do not have a buy-in of the critical stake- holders with resultant effects of aparthy, absence of commitment, indifference attitude and stagnation in performance. The paper recommends among others that, there must be deliberate engagement of the critical stakeholders on the types of educational policies and reforms that would ultimately benefit the state without any form of exclusion elements in its planning and implementation.

Keywords: Curriculum, Deficit Factors, Educational, Implementation, Reforms, policies

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