European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS)

EA Journals


The Alternative Strategies That Can Be Employed to Improve Quality Education Effectively in Morogoro Municipal, Tanzania (Published)

This study investigated Alternative strategies that can be employed to improve quality education in Morogoro Municipal, Tanzania. This study was guided by Total Quality Management Theory. A convergent parallel design under a mixed research approach was adopted. Purposive and stratified simple random techniques were used to obtain 55 respondents where 50 were teachers, 4 were heads of schools, and 1 District Quality Assurer. The instruments of data collection were questionnaires and an Interview guide. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively using mean, standard deviation, frequency tables, and percentages, while qualitative data were thematically analyzed. Research ethics were observed whereby sources of information and anonymity of respondents were strictly adhered to. The study revealed that the respondents support the utilization of modern teaching aids such as projectors can significantly benefit students, adequacy of infrastructure which involves teachers’ houses, fully equipped libraries, laboratories, and enough toilet holes to meet the demand of students, sufficient tables and chairs which can promote a conducive learning environment in schools and plays a critical role in supporting effective education delivery, therefore government support for School meals to both day and boarding schools indicating widespread agreement on the importance of nutritional support for student’s attendance and academic success. Also, the results showed there are enough classrooms in most of the public secondary schools to compare with other infrastructure

Keywords: Education, Strategies., alternative, improve quality

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