European Journal of Statistics and Probability (EJSP)

EA Journals

complex analysis

A Verification of Riemann Non-Trivial Zeros by Complex Analysis by Matlab™ Computation (Published)

With my most recent paper, I tried to prove the Riemann Hypothesis by catching out those contradictory parts of the non-trivial zeros. In the present paper, I will try to verify these known values of Riemann nontrivial zeros by first using U.S.A. Matlab coding with a list of well-organized complex analysis theories. At the same time, as the major core of my verification is just a mono-direction one (i.e. there may be a possibility of the missing non-trivial zeros although the residue value is zero), hence this author try to solve such problem by assuming that there are some other zeros existing between the two known zeros but the contradiction arises – as singularity implies the residue has a value with a multiple of 2πi. In addition, this author also apply the ingenious design (or a hybrid skill) with Feynman technique and Integration by parts to solve a special zeta function integral. Next, this author finds that one may consider those non-trivial zeros as a Fourier transform (or an impulse) between other normal complex numbers. The result is consistent with my previous papers in quantum physics [23], [25] for the electron jumps or reverse. Hence, we may get the (dirac) delta equation for Riemann Zeta. Then we may formulate our quantum circuit & computer. Finally, this author concludes all findings with an algorithm for searching, finer and checking the non-trivial zeros like below:  

Step 1: Use the computer software with some suitable program codes for an elementary search of feasible non-trivial zeta values among the closed real-complex plane interval – Method Matlab Simulation for searching zeta zeros;

Step 2: Substitute back the values laying in the contour interval for zeta as found in Step 1 into the limit of  in order to adjust the answer in a finer and accurate way (just like the case of Newton’s method etc) with more decimal digitals – Method Ingenious Design for finer the zeta zero’s values;

Step 3: Employ the Cauchy Residue Theorem for a check and hence confirm the previous found non-trivial zeta roots’ uniqueness without any zeta zeros laying in between the two consecutive zeta roots – Method Cauchy’s Residue for checking those already found zeta zeros.

Keywords: Riemann non-trivial zeros, Verification, complex analysis, matlab™ computation

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